
Comment history with jiyong


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 comments

HAAAAY Cutie. ;] Lovin' your new Default. :]

Posted by Meganmon on Sep 14, 09 12:17 am

For some reason I thought we weren't friends and I clicked on "Add" and accidentally removed you D:

Posted by jiyong on Sep 6, 09 1:10 pm
View profile
  • Female
  • 16 years old

about me

famILY - bestfriends - import cars - photography - texting - white tshirts - long walks - rooftops - bboys - laugh attacks - risks - passion fruit ice tea lemonade - arizona green tea - vitamin water - FOOD♄ - music - naps - baking - ice cream - chicken - inside jokes - pokemon - sanrio - tokidoki - big time dork - sweetheart - lisp - lovelovelove - AIM: privated.

good vibes&sweet lives. (:

credit: tcunningham